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“Hi, my name is Chris.  Want to tell you about reason eager to sell really treat shirts.  Eager you tell truth, eager to tell tears. Desire to just teach the truth of life. 

Having great life selling t-shirts.  Eager, really eager, to just treat treasure youth to truth.  Jeerfree world treasures all.  Really want to keep youth, really need to keep yearning for treasures in others.  Just yearning, really yearning for truth. 

Teach reasonable, really reasonable, truth.  Because wasted reasons easy to hear.
Hear the truth, treasure truth”.


Chris Patton, owner and creator, Lopsided Heart Creations


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"Writing poetry fuses beast anger - gets hearts to open"

 - Chris Patton



Chris has always considered himself a teacher and a poet.  Though he does not speak, he uses a variety of keyboards to type his thoughts.  It is his greatest desire to use his words and unique voice to create positive change and make an impact on our world.

Chris graduated from PS1 Charter School in Denver in June 2005.  For his senior project, Chris teamed with Youthbiz, a local non-profit with a silk-screening business,
to create t-shirts with his "sayings" on them.  

Buoyed by the success of his creations at a project end sale, Chris approached the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation for funding, and became the first self-employed individual with a disability to receive seed money and support by this department.  

His business, Lopsided Heart Creations, evolved as the vehicle for Chris to pursue a "meaningful life" selling t-shirts.  Sales are transacted primarily at educational conferences and local arts festivals & MARKETS.

He lives in his own house with the support of full-time caregivers.

Chris loves to listen to music, swim, read books, and eat meals with friends and family.  He collects bells, clocks and chimes.

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